Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tom and Nicole

I had a shoot this past weekend with Tom and Nicole! We went out to the first farmer's market of the year, right around capital square and enjoyed the sunshine. It was a lot of fun working with them, and here are a few pictures from the day :)

Check out more images on the Maija Le Photography website!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Bonnie and Isabel

I had a fun shoot with my co-worker Bonnie and her cheerful little sister, Isabel! The girls have a great relationship and it was really enjoyable to be a part of the giggling and goofing around. :) Here are a few photos from the shoot! Hopefully I'll have some of these on my website soon so feel free to check in and see!!

Maija Le Photography

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Intermediate/Advanced Photo Show

The Intermediate and Advanced Photography class at UW-Madison is having a show! The opening is tomorrow (Friday the 3rd) from 5pm until 9pm... I will be there from 6-9... The show will remain up until next Wednesday the 8th and the general hours are from 9-5. I will have three pieces up and would love to see some familiar faces at the opening! I will also be sitting in to watch over the gallery from 1-3 on Tuesday the 7th so stop in if you can't make the opening.